How to Quit Drinking Without AA

There is no doubt that there are hundreds of thousands of men and women in the country who are drinkers or users of alcohol. While a few do it intermittently for fun when with friends, there are others who are into it as a habit. However, if you ask most of the habitual or heavy drinkers, they are aware of the negative impact that it has on their mental, physical and emotional health. Hence, most of them are ready to find out ways and means of giving up on alcohol. At the same time, it also is a fact that many of them get into alcohol addiction and do not know how to get out of it. In this article, we will have a look at the right answer to the QUESTION HOW TO QUIT DRINKING WITHOUT AA.


Before we get started with the right answer to the above question, we need to put a few things in the right perspective. It would be pertinent to mention here that around 5.6 percent of Americans who are the above 18 years of age are known to struggle from some form of alcoholic addiction and the disorders caused by it to their body, mind and emotions. However, there is a big difference between realizing the need to give up on drinking and actually getting it done. For many alcohol users, this becomes a big dilemma.

It would also be pertinent to mention here that around eight percent of people who are into some form of alcoholic addiction need assistance and quite a few of them may have to look up to medical care and attention from rehabilitation centers. But it need not be this way because there are ways by which a person can give up on drinking and alcohol use without being a victim of alcoholic addiction. Let us find out how this is possible.


If you look around, gather information and do some research, you or your family members will not find it too difficult to come across many evidence based solutions for getting out of the alcohol habit without running the risk of being into alcohol addiction. We are sure that the next few lines will help the readers and other stakeholders to get a complete picture of finding out ways by which then can get out of drinking before they slip into the troublesome world of alcohol addiction.


To begin with it is important to have a reasonably good idea about the difference between alcohol abuse or AA and a stage before that. Put in simple words, AA is a stage that could be used to refer to any kind of problem associated with drinking. Any person who is drinking beyond the safety threshold limit could be causing harm to themselves and could even be a source of bother to others, especially family members, friends and other well-wishers. If the problem of alcohol abuse is not understood and treated early, these people could slip into a pattern. When this happens, things often become difficult to control. Therefore, it would be better to look for avenues by which they can get over this problem before things go out of control.


To stay away from the risk of AA, you must know what alcohol addiction is all about. Many heavy drinkers often have slipped into acute or chronic alcoholic addiction without knowing that they are into it. Hence, it is important to be aware of the classic symptoms and problems associated with alcoholic addiction. You or your family members may not be able to understand as to the stage you are in. Therefore, the best way forward would be to take the help and assistance of doctors. They have proven, time-tested and reliable tests and methods by which they can help find out if a person has already slipped in the alcoholic addiction stage or he or she is still to get into it.


If your doctor feels that a person has already slipped into alcohol abuse, then the treatment is long drawn and it will take time, effort and commitment. However, if the doctor feels that the person concerned is still outside the boundaries of AA or alcoholic addiction, then treatment becomes that much simpler and easier. Here are some tips and suggestions that could help you to get back into complete remission and prevent you from becoming an alcoholic abuser.

· Give importance to the counseling from doctors and others. This is perhaps one of the best ways by which you can stop yourself at the doorsteps of AA and return from it successfully. The counselors and doctors will conduct a number of tests and will suggest remedial action that could help you to quit drinking without getting into the troublesome world of alcohol abuse.

· Cut down on drinking gradually. The biggest challenge associated with AA or drinking in general is that the persons do not know where they are going wrong. They keep gulping down pegs of alcohol every week and may not be aware that they are crossing the safety threshold limits. If you check up with your doctor and then take things forward, they will suggest ways and means by which you can cut down on your liquor intake gradually and eventually give it up.

· Spend more time with family members. This is another important and vital point to consider and follow if you want to stay away from the dreary world of AA, rehabilitation centers, and the various problems associated with withdrawal symptoms. Love and compassion are needed for heavy drinkers and there is no doubt that you will be able to get it only from your family members and close relatives and of course well-meaning friends.

· Be committed and have belief in yourself. Giving up drinking has got a lot to do with your mental strength and your commitment. You must believe in yourself and your ability to give up the habit before it becomes a big problem. In this endeavor, there is no doubt that your family members, your doctors, your counselors and other such people could play a proactive and positive role.

· Find a way to divert attention. Try to look for avenues to forget drinking. You should hang around more with friends and family members who care for you. Watch a movie, read some books and listen to some good music. Practice mediation because it could help to calm your nerves and help you forget the desire and craving for alcohol.


The secret for quitting drinking without getting into AA is all about understanding what AA is all about. Once you have understood this, try to put your best foot forward so that you are able to stay away from drinking till such time you are able to give it up fully.